Joe Manganiello's 'Magic' Conditioning Routine to Get Ripped and Strong

Dustin Snipes / M+F Magazine
Joe Manganiello trains six times per week. He started working with his trainer, co-owner of Reebok CrossFit Lab Ron Mathews, after booking his role as ripped werewolf Alcide Herveaux on HBO's True Blood. His workouts are intense, so much so that he calls it "being in the pain cave." Manganiello does 225-pound deadlifts for sets up to 10, 300-pound deadlifts for sets of four.
“I don’t have him max out on the deadlift since pure strength is not one of our goals,” says Mathews. “He uses weights that are heavy, but he can comfortably move and get right into something else.” Joe then d rags the sled 40 yards (or flips the tire 10 times) and does 10 squat jumps.
Here’s his complete conditioning circuit:
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