IFBB Physque Pro Jeremy Potvin's Total Upper-Body Routine

“In Iraq, I started working out as a way to relieve my stress,” says Jeremy Potvin, IFBB Pro League men's physique competitor and army vet. Then, his body responded in a way that surprised him.
“I kind of fell in love with the results that I was getting from it and just kept at it.” He began eating seriously and upping his protein and overall calorie intake until his body started to take shape. Remarkable shape.
“The more I trained, the more I found out I had the genetics, in terms of shape, for men’s physique,” he says. “I was hooked.” Since then, Potvin has sculpted a physique akin to those of the Golden Age of bodybuilding. His slim waist and gargantuan upper body look downright photoshopped, but those who follow the men's physique division of the IFBB Pro League know that he's for real.
To enhance the look of a chiseled, tight midsection underflaring lats and cannonball delts, check out his upper-body-blasting workouts below.
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