Use This Workout If You Have a Hangover

One bottle of beer is about 100 worthless calories. It offers no value—it's just junk. Throw back two, three, or four more, and you're putting an awfully big dent in your recommended total caloric intake when you add them on top of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
But hey, we get it: Believers in balance and moderation like to chill out and have a beer here and there. Regardless of whether you're a clean-eatin', non-drinkin' fitness freak, or a habitual party-hoppin', liquor-lovin' lunatic, this workout is here to help you wipe the slate clean.
Is it probably a better idea to take the day off, pound water, sleep in, and save the training for another day? Probably. But whatever. Make sure you're hydrated, and go work off the stuff now.
The Warmup: Start with a 10-minute walk to get the blood pumping. Then do both supersets.
The Workout: Perform these exercises as a circuit—immediately go from one exercise to the next one, only resting for 2 minutes once you've completed the entire circuit. Complete 3 circuits total.
The 3-move Ab-ripper: Perform these exercises as a circuit—immediately go from one exercise to the next one, performing each exercise to failure. Complete 3 circuits total.
Then go home and take a nap. You've earned it. (And if you're interested, here's a study that found drinking doesn't affect exercise.)
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